Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Heart Is Happy

A talk that has been on my mind a lot lately was given in the April General Conference by President Uchtdorf. His talk was titled Grateful in Any Circumstances. In his talk he shares the thought,

"Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness.. Have we not reason to be filled with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves."

 I think many people can agree with me that college courses are not the most fun of tasks. Simply because  the endless essays, tests, and presentations leave you stuck on a date with a box of tissues. And I am positive there are girls who can agree that having your best friend on a mission hurts your heart. While others may not be able to relate to my circumstances, I know that it is not always easy to be optimistic in our endeavors. I often find myself saying "i'll be happy when". But as I have pondered this talk, I have come realize that there is so much to be grateful for.

I'm grateful for my parents who have always supported me in my interests. I'm grateful for their guidance and encouragement to get a college education. I'm grateful for the gospel which provides a sure foundation and standard for the decisions that I make. I am grateful for the way my religion defines me and shapes me into the woman I need to be and the wife and mother that I hope to become. I am extremely blessed to have my sweet Alex serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am grateful for his example and for this time that I get to support him. I'm grateful for his family who is so kind to me and treats me as their own. I am grateful for my roommates who can make me laugh till I cry & not to mention will sing Hannah Montana and One Direction songs with me at the top of our lungs until we all pass out with exhaustion. And the list goes on and on..

Life has never been a flat and paved road. Choices were never meant to be easy. But we will always have control of our attitude : and that can make all the difference. 

Short and Sweet Updates

-365 days since I graduated high school.
-1 year of college done & only 1 more semester of prerequisites left.
-5 months until I apply for Dental Hygiene School.
-6 months and 8 days since I last saw my Elder Sorenson. I am 1/4 of the way done, Yipee!!
-There is a blog for Alex's emails if you want to see how he's doing: elderalexsorenson.blogspot.com
-I was just called to be the 3rd councilor in the Relief Society Presidency & I couldn't be more excited.
-I think I hold the record for the shortest amount of time working in a call center before quitting. I believe "call center" is self-explanatory.
-My Heart is Happy.

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